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How to use wood burning stoves safely in tents

Oct 11, 2023

POMOLY LumberJack Fastfold Titanium Camping Wood Stove 🔥 by POMOLY —  Kickstarter

Wood-burning stoves provide warmth and comfort during cold weather camping trips. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety when using them inside tents to prevent fire hazards and ensure a secure camping experience. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use wood-burning stoves safely in tents, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a cozy fire while minimizing risks.

1. Choose a Suitable Tent:

When using a wood-burning stove in a tent, it is essential to select a tent specifically designed for this purpose. Look for tents that include stove jacks or built-in stovepipe openings. These features are designed to safely accommodate a stove and provide ventilation, minimizing the risk of smoke and gas buildup inside the tent.

2. Proper Ventilation:

Proper ventilation is crucial when using a wood-burning stove inside a tent. Ensure that your tent has sufficient ventilation options, such as windows, vents, or mesh panels. Proper airflow prevents the accumulation of carbon monoxide and allows for the exchange of fresh air, maintaining a safe camping environment.

3. Stove Placement:

Careful stove placement is essential for safety. Follow these guidelines:
  • a. Clear Space: Choose an area in the tent with sufficient space around the stove. Clear any flammable objects, including sleeping bags, clothing, and tent walls, at a safe distance to avoid accidental contact with the stove.
  • b. Stable Surface: Place the stove on a stable, non-flammable surface. Use a stove base or heat-resistant material, such as a metal sheet, to prevent heat transfer to the tent floor and minimize the risk of burns or fire.
  • c. Tent Configuration: Position the stove near the stove jack or stovepipe opening to facilitate proper venting of smoke and gases. Ensure that the stovepipe extends above the tent's roofline to prevent smoke from re-entering the tent.

4. Fire Safety:

When using a wood-burning stove in a tent, it is crucial to follow fire safety practices:
  • a. Spark Arrestor: Install a spark arrestor on the stovepipe to prevent sparks or embers from escaping and igniting the tent fabric. Regularly inspect and clean the spark arrestor to ensure its effectiveness.
  • b. Fireproof Mat: Place a fireproof mat or stove pad beneath the stove to protect the tent floor from heat and potential embers. This additional layer of protection minimizes the risk of accidental fires.
  • c. Fire Extinguisher: Keep a fire extinguisher readily accessible near the stove in case of emergencies. Familiarize yourself with its operation and ensure it is in proper working condition.

5. Supervision and Monitoring:

Never leave a wood-burning stove unattended in a tent. Always supervise the stove while it is in use and monitor it regularly for any signs of malfunction, excessive heat, or unusual smells. If you need to leave the tent temporarily, extinguish the fire and ensure all embers are fully extinguished before exiting.

6. Proper Ash Disposal:

Dispose of stove ashes properly to prevent fire hazards. Allow the ashes to cool completely before removing them from the stove. Place the ashes in a fireproof container and store them outside the tent, away from flammable materials. Dispose of the ashes in a designated fire pit or as per local regulations.


Using a wood-burning stove in a tent can provide warmth and comfort during cold weather camping. By following these safety guidelines, such as selecting a suitable tent, ensuring proper ventilation, practicing fire safety, and monitoring the stove, you can enjoy the benefits of a wood-burning stove while minimizing risks. Prioritizing safety is essential for a secure and enjoyable camping experience.

A good wood burning stove can reduce your concerns about fire safety, choose a high quality titanium wood burning stove for your outdoor journey: POMOLY Titanium Wood Burning Stove Series

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